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Silvia Camporesi

MIRABILIA #8 San Galgano (Chiusdino, Toscana), 2017

Gicleè print mounted on dibond cm 90 x 120


Installations, photographic works and online guided tour

Silvia Camporesi (Forlì, 1973)

“Mirabilia” is a project started in 2017. This new and important Italian journey features marvellous natural sites, bizarre buildings and unusual museums, theatres or other hidden architectures. They all reveal forgotten cultures and vernacular stories totally detached from any touristic destinations.

In her artistic research, Camporesi has always been trying to concentrate on defining identities, either lost or revived. In each location she tried to highlight the essential elements of their inner spirit. It is not meant to be a simple geographical recognition, but rather a survey of social and anthropological characters, architectural styles, naturalistic forms, cultural aspects of material and ephemeral elements, uses, customs and habits of the Italian people, which are so different along our territory.

A first labyrinthine installation made of 20 photographs printed on linen sheets, leads the visitor to view 4 extralarge works featured along the stone walls of Belvedere.

A special guided tour to the whole series “Mirabilia” may be possible on Photology Online Gallery.

Silvia Camporesi | Photology