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Naturalistic Trail

From 22 june 2019 to 27 september 2020

A project by Francesca Gaglione and Paolo Uccello born as a permanent photographic cataloguing in an attempt to preserve, through a four-handed research work, the point-like endemism characteristic of the area surrounding the contemporary art park Photology AIR. We are in the most interesting part of Tenuta Busulmone from a botanical point of view due to the unique geographical position and the peculiar climatic conditions. The more an endemism is point-like, i.e. relative to a limited geographical area, the more it will be composed of species at a high risk of extinction.

The artistic process carried out by the photographer Francesca Gaglione and the botanical researcher Paolo Uccello, focused in a first phase on identifying the most vulnerable plants, trees and inflorescences, with the aim of reconstructing their history. Later the project developed in the elaboration of the identified elements generating site-specific photographs combined with exclusive texts, finally transformed into photographic works forming part of a conscious memory of the place.

Naturalistic Trail is thereupon dotted with about fifteen medium-format works printed on aluminium plates and steel supports that connect a two-kilometre dirt track in the surrounding countryside (see marked trail on map – hiking clothing recommended).

Planta Manent by Francesca Romana Gaglione & Paolo Uccello
Naturalistic Trail | Photology